Monday, September 18, 2006

Mistakes & Corrections

In Adventure One, Grandpa Edgar says: "It's better to use a pencil instead of a pen. It allows us to erase our mistakes." But once a book goes to print, what am I supposed to do? I've listed my mistakes here.

Page 16: "The pale green paint on the twisted railings of the four balconies-—two on the third floor and two on the second-peeled away and exposed the rusted metal underneath." (not "pealed")

Page 19: "Indeed, and I must say, your impression of the of the Central American bullfrog is spot on.” (extra "of the". Capitalize "Central American")

Page 138: "He shook the webs from his hand, removed a small screwdriver from a pockets, and leaned inside." (no "s" on "pockets")

Page 165: "The backrest of knots and thorns grew up out of a dark purple seat cushion like a wild vines and trapped..." (no "a" before "wild")

"If we were all perfect, the inventor of the eraser would have died a failure." -my 10th grade art teacher

Thanks to everyone,


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