Wednesday, October 25, 2006


In the past two years I’ve learned a lot about ghosts. A lot of people don’t believe in them—my wife is still on the fence even though Mr. Font moves chairs and closes doors right in front of her. But others who do believe, sometimes believe too much. They think everything that can’t be explained during a stay in a so called “haunted house” is in fact a ghost. The truth is, most shadows, lights, noises, and feelings can be explained. When looking at a photo or investigating a house, you must try to disprove it as a ghost first. Only then, when you can’t find a logical answer, can you suspect a ghost. I’ve attached two photos. I took the first one at a church in Washington DC. It pictures two balls of energies called “ORBS.” Many think these are ghosts, but in most cases it’s just light from the flash bouncing off dust in the air or insects. This one happens to be snow, but it would fool a lot of people out there. I took the second photo in New Orleans. I can’t explain the streaks or the white light in the foreground. Nothing passed in front of the camera, the building in the background is clear while the streaks are blurry, and it’s not a double exposure. So I don’t know what it could be. New Orleans is thought to be one of the most haunted places in the states, so it’s possible I caught something, but I can’t be sure. If you have any photos you’d like to share, send them to me. I love a good ghost photo. And if you know of a house you think Edgar would have liked to haunt, submit your story, pictures and drawings to the “House to Haunt” section of Until next time, make everyday an adventure.


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